Turkish Society of Clinical Enteral & Parenteral Nutrition
News Date : 15/06/2014
The workshop titled “Effects of Malnutrition on Human Health and Health Economy in Risk Groups” was held on 17-18 June 2014 in Ankara by Social Security Institution (SSI) with unconditional contributions of Abbott Nutrition.

Throughout the workshop, increasing the social awareness on malnutrition and solution offers were discussed. It was stated that taking an explicit measure to fight against malnutrition is a vital contribution to society’s health and the budget spent on health by the government. Within the scope of workshop, bureaucrats, health professionals, academicians, government employees and non-governmental organizations shared their opinions on the subject of creating a national policy on malnutrition.

During the SSI workshop, KEPAN Society received support from scientific societies such as Turkish Pediatrics Association, National Pediatrics Society, Turkish Pediatric Oncology Group, Turkish Society of Pediatric Neurology, Turkish Society of Pediatric Hepatology and Gastroenterology.

It is decided to compile the solution offers and gather them in a publication titled as “Malnutrition from SSI’s point of view”.

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